
Concept Art: Zeegan

As I've been writing Warrior's Fury I've done my best to sketch out what some of the main characters look like.

I'm not absolutely sure 'concept art' would really fit some of the stuff I'm about to show you - but I haven't quite reached the point of being able to draw or paint the character(s) in a way that is satisfying enough not to consider that it's not just a 'concept' of what the character looks like.

Anyway, I thought you would like to see something close to what I'm picturing in my head.

So, Zeegan is an Eekyde Quyd, essentially just a member of a 'branch' of the Quyd Race.
Here is my original sketch for the average Quyd~

You may already have guessed, but I roughly based their faces off of a porcupine.

Once I had the basic idea on paper, I tried my hand at Zeegan himself~

Obviously he isn't purple :P
and that is why he is categorized as 'Eekyde' (i.e. 'set apart' or 'outside the norm').

And more recently I quickly sketched this portrait of Zeegan~

Then decided to color it in Photoshop~

And (at the risk of boring you) here are a few of the slightly different versions of the last one.
(on the far right it's just the glowing 'nayrlkolth' in his hand that is different, and the two center ones have different textured shirts...
you can see the texture difference better if you click on the image ;P )

(Random NOTE: Photoshop 'rocks' ;)

Definitely let me know what you think. :)
 . . . Oh, and if you haven't already, you can read a bit about this character Here ;)


Improperly Aimed Zeal

It is amazing how the LORD chooses to instruct us when we least expect it.

Today, on an impulse that I didn't really think about at the time, I offered to help a family friend to do some weeding. Little did I realize God had decided I needed some counseling.

I won't risk boring you with needless details, I'll just give you the 'lesson' learned through the conversation we ended up having.

It was mainly about the Hunger Games. She didn't change my opinion about the book, but she did point out something that struck me as being the 'Reason' for the Holy Spirit guiding us into the conversation: 'the problem is not the book'.

She pointed out that the things I didn't like about the 'craze' going on about the Hunger Games was not the 'problem' that should retain my focus, they are merely the 'symptom of the real problem' - which is the need for God, and the compassionate preaching of the Gospel of Christ.

The Salvation of our Redeemer and King, Jesus Christ, is the only thing that should command my focus and zeal.

And, to be honest, I have fallen short of the goal of 'focusing on the LORD' far too often lately when it comes to peoples' entertainment choices . . . So for any who may have read/heard my opinions/rantings on the Hunger Games -- or other works of fiction (i.e. movies, games, books) -- please know that my opinions have not changed/weakened, but I would like to inform you that I am now under the conviction that (unless you ask a direct question) I should no longer 'bother' you with my opinions if they are negative in the sense that 'I think this is something everyone should classify as bad'. . . .

My only response in that case will be one of two things: 1) I will change the subject to Christ or something Christ-related. Or 2) I will remain silent and merely pray for God's grace in both/all our lives. . .

A Prayer:
              Thank you, LORD, for your discipline and instruction. I thank you for the wisdom and understanding you have provided to Mrs. H.
             Please continue to teach and guide me to greater zeal for Your Holiness, God, and soften my heart to be compassionate for the people around me. I ask that You please continue to humble me when I begin to show pride or arrogance and get sidetracked on things that ultimately do not matter in the grand scheme of our aiming to praise, honor, and glorify You in everything that we do.
             In the precious name of Jesus Christ I pray, Amen. . .


Good for a Laugh (Hopefully)

I wrote this back in 2008 for a writing class I took. . .

It was thrown together in about two hours so it was never properly 'edited,' but I thought it might at least be good for a smirk ;P

I hope you enjoy it :)

Have a Ball

Written by J D White
April 17, 2008

The bright red sphere came out of nowhere.
     Max was turning his head towards the sound of a yell, when all of a sudden a shiny red ball smacked him clean in the face.
     Enough force was behind the impact that he fell backwards off the branch he was sitting on. He gave a cry of pain when his back came in contact with the hard earth beneath the branches of the large tree.
     Springing quickly to his feet, Max looked around quickly and caught sight of the obnoxiously bright, red ball.
     Making an irritated noise he hurried after his assailant as it bounced away from him.
     Once he caught up to it he snatched it up with both hands and tossed it over his head.
     Max immediately started to wonder if this hadn’t been a mistake when he heard the ball bounce off of something behind him. Knowing that he was probably making another, Max turned around to see what he had hit and was rewarded with the sight of a red blur coming at his face. . .
     And before he knew it he was on his back again with a numb nose.
     Making an angry sound he jumped to his feet and chased after the infuriating bright red ball.
     This time when he caught it he tucked it under his arm and walked over to a pile of large rocks next to a little stream. He found a slight circular dip on one of the larger rocks and set the ball carefully in it.
     Waiting a moment to make sure it would not move, Max glanced around and caught sight of a rock the same size as the ball. Grinning mischievously he picked up the rock, held it over his head, and smashed it down onto the bouncy ball.
     The moment the rock landed on top of the ball it shot out from under the stone and into Max’s stomach, picking him up and propelling him into the air.
     Finding himself once again on his back Max turned his head and looked through the blurring pain in his eyes to find the bright red ball bouncing gently beside him.
     As it bobbed up and down next to him it portrayed a look of innocence that instantly got Max’s blood boiling.
     Lashing out at it he smacked the ball out of his sight and almost instantly heard it rebound off of the nearby wall. And before he could do anything about it he felt it smack into the top of his head.
     Unable to contain it any longer, Max let out a scream of fury and leaped to his feet. Taking hold of the ball before it got away he squeezed with all his might between his hands and bit into its rubbery surface.
     After a few seconds of hopping around in a rage as he chewed on and squeezed the infuriating ball, he suddenly became aware of a low whistling sound.
     Realizing that the sound was coming from the ball, Max quickly yanked it away from his face; fearful that he might have angered it.
     But as he held it at arms length it only began to shrink and flatten in his grasp. After a moment the ball was completely deflated and hanging limp in Max’s hands.
     He stared open mouthed at the ball he had just broken and was not quite sure what he was feeling at that moment.
     Then he heard a sniffle from in front of him and looked up between two bars into the baleful eyes of a little boy. “That was mine.” The little boy stated to the chimpanzee staring out at him through the bars of his cage in the Oregon Zoo.

I'd like to know if this at least makes someone smile ;P


An Interesting Find

A friend of mine, Raquel, posted something about an acquaintance of hers that I thought would be worth sharing. . . Click Here to visit the post.

Her comments on Josh sparked my interest, and so I visited his blog and could not help but admire the last posts: To Surrender a Precious Dream, and What it Means to be a Man

A Prayer:
             LORD, thank you for the testimony of Joshua Eddy. Thank you for touching so many through his life. I ask that You continue to bless and uplift his family and friends, that they may continue to find abundant Joy in You, Father.
             And thank you, dear God, for the gentle reminder that anything short of Complete and Total Surrender - is utter insanity and a waste of the life You have so graciously given.
             In the precious name of Jesus Christ, I pray,  Amen. . .


Saturday Sermon

Okay, yes, I know the title isn't all that imaginative, but it's 2 in the morning and its all that is coming to mind ;P

I've recently -- as in starting in January -- been listening to and/or watching sermons by/from (not quite sure what the proper term is) Eric Ludy. Christophany is one of his more recent sermons that I listened to (this morning(?)) while working on formatting Warrior's Fury.

Philippians 4:8
Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.

2 Thessalonians 1:12
so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Peter 4:11
whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.
