
Concept Art: Rim

Rimmegoan Dayor, is the title character of Warrior's Fury. He is a forty-two year old Nanhew mercenary-for-hire (or 'blade' as they are commonly referred to on Melyund). . .

I've attempted to draw Rim quite a few times since his character began to morph into what it is today...

~ This is a cartoon I did of Rim early on in the writing of the book.

~ This is one of the first 'decent' portraits of Rim that I attempted.

And then, recently I tried my hand at another portrait that I decided was good enough to translate into a Photoshop 'painting'...

~ My original pencil sketch of the latest Rim portrait...

~ Photoshop 'painting' of Rimmegoan Dayor.

The sword Rim is holding (and the rest of the weapons in his arsenal) is supposed to be made entirely of klombortin (a pure white metal) but I wasn't quite sure how to get the hilt to come across so I settled for just the blade being white for now . . . Anyway, let me know what you think! :)

Next I plan on doing a portrait of Harin Oudek, so keep an eye out. . .


The Proof has Arrived!

I received the the first proof for Warrior's Fury today! :)

The cover is a little dark (the good news on that is it provides me with an excuse to improve the art at the same time that I brighten it up ;) and there are a few tiny formatting details to be taken care of - but it is now a definite guaranty that the book will be available close to the end of this month! :)

Praise the Lord, all nations!
Extol him, all peoples!
For great is his steadfast love toward us,
and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.
Praise the Lord! ~ Psalm 117


Concept Art: Gree'uhk

I've been encouraged by several friends to get more illustrations up on my blog, since there won't be any in the book. I am planning on drawing out a map that will at least cover the places traveled in Warrior's Fury...

For now, here's some art for the Race that Ayom (a character in Warrior's Fury) is a member of...

~This is the first full sketch of a Gree'uhk that I did.
(The medium is Pen'n'Ink)
~And this is a Photoshop 'painting' :)

Gree'uhk are essentially just a 'branch' of the Melntayjj Race, however, the differences between the two (mainly the Gree'uhk's wings) are enough that they are usually considered distinct by the other Races. Also (and this is a bit of history I will expound on later), the Melntayjj disowned the Gree'uhk several years after the Great Migration, which caused the 'cultural' skew between the two that helped along the other Races perception of the gap between them...

Anyway, Ayom isn't a very important character (and he doesn't have a giant sword)  in Warrior's Fury but he's definitely among the 'cooler'-looking characters in the book ;P

Let me know what you think! :)
