I've attempted to draw Rim quite a few times since his character began to morph into what it is today...
~ This is a cartoon I did of Rim early on in the writing of the book.
~ This is one of the first 'decent' portraits of Rim that I attempted.
And then, recently I tried my hand at another portrait that I decided was good enough to translate into a Photoshop 'painting'...
~ My original pencil sketch of the latest Rim portrait...
~ Photoshop 'painting' of Rimmegoan Dayor.
The sword Rim is holding (and the rest of the weapons in his arsenal) is supposed to be made entirely of klombortin (a pure white metal) but I wasn't quite sure how to get the hilt to come across so I settled for just the blade being white for now . . . Anyway, let me know what you think! :)
Next I plan on doing a portrait of Harin Oudek, so keep an eye out. . .